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Ailie offers business consulting and management for many sectors such as spa, construction, fashion, business, health, and education bringing branding, financial strategizing in relationship to product completion and production, social media development, marketing strategizing, growth and product analyzation, human resources development, break-even analysis, profit, and loss projections, business plan development, CRM (Customer Relationtionship Management) implementation, QuickBooks consulting, federal bid assistance, business consulting, and coaching. 


Many companies need a new face such as a website, but often their difficulties lie much deeper. A new website or app can have a great effect on a troubled company, however, if their books are not being managed correctly or their customer service is lacking or they are generally disorganized a new website will not fix the problem.


Each business is different, but in general, after we have an initial one-hour discovery session we would ask for your company's last year's profit loss statement and access to your record-keeping system, (such as QuickBooks). We then would spend the needed amount of time analyzing the financial picture of the business and curate a plan for resolving the financial issues as they tie into other elements of business function.

The Perfect Recipe For Success

Next, we would create a business plan that organizes your business in a way that would create a successful outcome. 


Letting your business happen to you is one of the biggest mistakes made by most small business owners. Creating a plan of action that will work over a long period of time is our ultimate goal.

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